Get Emergent: Leadership Development, Improved Communication, and Enhanced Team Performance

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On this episode Bill and Ralph discuss two leadership “dials:” achieving and relating. We can often achieve results by skillfully relating with people. Listen for tips on how to best relate with others to achieve the results you seek for your leadership, team, or organization.


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*Note: The following text is the output of transcribing from an audio recording. Although the transcription is largely accurate, in some cases it is incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors


[00:00:00] Bill Berthel: Welcome to the Get Emergent podcast. Our podcast is focused on individual team and organizational development and performance. We focus on topics such as leadership, human development, and raising the consciousness and awareness of leaders. We aim to provide creative concepts, new ideas, and pragmatic tips and practices for leaders in all walks of life.

I’m Bill Berthel.

[00:00:25] Ralph Simone: And I’m Ralph Simone.

[00:00:26] Bill Berthel: So Ralph, in a recent client engagement, we were together. Participants said leadership is synonymous with relationship. Period. He made that like declaration. I, it’s still sticking with me. I love that he said that.

[00:00:41] Ralph Simone: I love it. You sure? That wasn’t me.

[00:00:44] Bill Berthel: Well, so I mean, it really, it, it resonates strongly with us and I think that’s why we love it.

You know, the context and discussion with that client was about identifying leadership brand. The what values and attributes that you’re known for and are essential to being effective in your leadership. And the participant was making the point that as leaders, we first and foremost have to be interested and good at relating.

And we love that.

[00:01:12] Ralph Simone: Well, I think it supports, and if we look at our four values as an organization, emergent, right? Emergent means coming into being, but our four values are trust. Relationship. Yeah, contribution and growth. Even when we decide right, how we’re gonna respond to a client, or even if they ask a request that we’re not totally comfortable with, we answer it through the lens of relationship and contribution.

So I think we strongly believe so and so I said, you sure it wasn’t me in there? That leadership is relationship and it’s the strength of those relationships. That will lead to more effective and scaled leadership. You are more easily able to influence, inspire, and align people, you know, towards a direction.

[00:02:03] Bill Berthel: Absolutely. And as you and I have discussed and written about, you know, Ralph, the, the full circle organization of which we’re certified in the Leadership Circle Profile Assessment, one of the most research and sophisticated leadership assessments available, it has at the basis of their model, which by the way, is a result of decades of research and human development, leadership effectiveness, and ineffectiveness, right?

They looked at what doesn’t make good leadership as well as human psychology. They suggest th

More episodes from Get Emergent: Leadership Development, Improved Communication, and Enhanced Team Performance