What should be covered in my meeting with my key customers and partners?
If you have a client-facing role or a partner-facing role, the first 30 days offer you an excellent opportunity to have an outside-in view of your own organization and your priorities.
Your organization depends on the revenue coming in from your customers and partners. It is, hence, crucial that you address this audience comprehensively and clearly before you make any significant decisions.
I suggest that you spend your days on the road and planes for the first 30-90 days. After that, you should make it a point to meet all your top customers and partners and some of your second-level clients and partners.
The earlier you do this; you can understand the reality from the field. It is also crucial that you are well-versed with your teams, people, and business unit's priorities before meeting your customers and partners.
When you meet these as external entities, your clients and partners would expect you to come prepared and may even raise a few pending issues for resolution. You should not find yourself to be sounding helpless or clueless.
As a manager, you are expected to address the issue comprehensively with alacrity. Too many statements like "I will get back to you after checking" would not auger well for the first impression.
Rajesh Soundararajan
Rajesh Soundararajan is an entrepreneur and co-founder of Futureshift Consulting, a boutique consulting outfit that helps organizations chart their business, marketing, and technology strategies that generate demand, drive predictable revenue, and achieve impactful outcomes.
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