Episode #9 - Winds of Change
This week we are talking about keeping your training fresh and fun, making sure that you are making progress and what all this means to getting better at shooting.
As promised here are the links to the Colorado Major matches for the season:
Rocky Mountain 300
Colorado State USPSA Championship
And last but not least - All the items we talk about using on the show can be found at the links below. And if you need any of it consider buying it through these links, it helps keep the show rolling!
You can find the links to those items below:
Ben Stoeger's Books:
Practical Pistol Reloaded
Dry Fire Reloaded
Skills and Drills
Ben Stoeger's DVD's
Practical Pistol Foundations
Training to Win
Steve Anderson's Books:
Refinement and Repetition: Dry-fire Drills for Dramatic Improvement
Principles of Performance, Refinement and Repetition 2
Get to Work: The Practice of More Points Per Second
Other suggested goodies:
Dryfire Targets
The BEST sticky tabs ever!
Timers - I listed a few, the first is my favorite but the second and third are really close
Pocket Pro Timer
Pocket Pro II
CED 7000
Grip Enhancer - This stuff adds a nice dryness to your hands and helps you grip the gun better. I used to think it didn't matter until I tried this stuff and now I won't be caught without it!
Pro Grip Grip Enhancer