This introductory episode explains what LEAP is about. LEAP, which stands for Listening Experiences, Amplifying Perspectives, is a podcast that features guest speakers who reflect on their college experience as they share their insights including tips, tricks, and hacks to help our listeners through their first year in college.
Imagine sitting in a circle with your friends and family in someoneʻs garage or at the beach. Ever spend hours just talking story - laughing, reminiscing, listening, reflecting? That is the kind of environment we want to set up for you. Each guest - each friend that we welcome here is a UH alumnae, or a graduate from your community, and / or currently works for the UH system. They will share stories of their experiences: their struggles, their tragedies, their triumphs, their hopes, and their resiliency. Sharing these stories and their journey with you for 30 minutes will hopefully give you some insight into the college experience and what you can do to make it your own.
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