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By Bozena Hilko
44 ratings
The podcast currently has 21 episodes available.
Today's episode is about the customs and traditions that were held on St. Andrew’s Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson you will learn how to conjugate more Slovak verbs in the present tense and how to use them in short sentences. At the end of my episode, you will find my story for intermediate learners of Slovak about two sisters on St. Andrew’s Eve.
Episode notes
Today I am going to tell you about the customs and traditions that were held on Ondrej’s (Andrew’s) name day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson you will learn how to conjugate more Slovak verbs in the present tense and how to use them in short sentences. At the end of my episode, you will find my story about two sisters on St. Andrew’s Eve. This time it is for intermediate learners, but everyone can listen to it to practice their listening skills.
Slovak Lesson
1. The Present Tense of the Verb robiť (to do, to make, to work)
Singular: Plural:
robím(I do, make work) robíme (we do, make work)
robíš (you do) robíte (you do)
robí (he, she, it does) robia (they do)
2. The Present Tense of the Verb variť (to cook)
Singular: Plural:
varím(I cook) varíme (we cook)
varíš (you cook) varíte (you cook)
varí (he, she, it cooks) varia (they cook)
3. The Present Tense of the Verb hovoriť (to speak, to talk)
Singular: Plural:
hovorím (I speak, talk) hovoríme (we speak, talk)
hovoríš (you speak) hovoríte (you speak)
hovorí (he,she,it speaks)hovoria (they speak)
4. The Present Tense of the Modal Verb musieť (must, have to)
Singular: Plural:
musím (I must, have to) musíme (we must, have to)
musíš (you must) musíte (you must)
musí (he, she, it must) musia (they must)
Short sentences:
1. Čo robíš? (What are you doing?)
2. Varím. (I am cooking.)
3. Čo varíš? (What are you cooking?)
4. Varím obed. Potrebujem pomoc. (I am cooking lunch. I need help.)
5. Ja nemám čas. (I don’t have any time.)
6. Prečo? Čo robíš? (Why? What are you doing?)
7. Čítam. (I am reading.)
8. Musíš čítať teraz? (Do you have to read now?)
9. Áno, musím. Zajtra mám test. (Yes. Tomorrow I have a test.)
10. Aha, musíš študovať. Tak choď! (Oh, you must (have to) study. Well, go!)
00:28 Information about the episode
02:06 St. Andrew's holiday
02:23 Info about St. Andrew
03:46 Fun fact
04:40 Slovak lesson
14;50 St. Andrew's prognosis
15:16 St. Andrew's magical night
20:40 Story in Slovak
25:19 Final thoughts
To get the free copy of the full transcript of my story, send an email with subject DVE SESTRY NA ONDREJA to my email: [email protected]
Check my Instagram @bozenasslovak
Thank you for your support
Today's episode is about traditions and customs connected to the name day of St. Catherine. In Slovak lesson you will learn how to conjugate Slovak verbs in the present tense and how to use them in short sentences. At the end of the episode, you can listen to the St. Catherine’s legend. This time it is for intermediate and advanced learners.
Episode note
Today I am starting the series of old pre-Christmas traditions connected to various name days. In the Slovak lesson you will learn how to conjugate Slovak verbs in the present tense and how to use them in short sentences. At the end of my episode, you will find my version of St. Catherine’s legend. This time it is for intermediate and advanced learners, but everyone can listen to it to practice their listening skills.
Slovak Lesson
1. The Endings of the Present Tense:
Singular: -m (I); -š (you); --- (he, she, it)
Plural: -me (we); -te (you); -jú, -ú, -ia (they)
2. The Present Tense of the Verb “mať” (to have)
Singular: Plural:
mám (I have) máme (we have)
máš (you have) máte (you have)
má (he, she, it has) majú (they have)
3. The Present Tense of the Verb “čítať” (to read)
Singular: Plural:
čítam (I read) čítame (we read)
čítaš (you read) čítate (you read)
číta (he, she, it reads) čítajú (they read)
4. The Present Tense of the Verb “bývať” (to live or reside)
Singular: Plural:
bývam (I live) bývame (we live)
bývaš (you live) bývate (you live)
býva (he, she, it lives) bývajú (they live)
Short sentences:
1. To je Peter. (This is Peter.)
2. On je študent. (He is a student.)
3. Peter má 19 rokov. (Peter is 19 years old.)
4. On je vysoký. (He is tall)
5. Peter býva v Bratislave. (Peter lives in Bratislava.)
6. Peter číta email. (Peter is reading / reads an email.)
7. To je pani Kováčová. (This is Mrs. Kováčová)
8. Ona je profesorka. (She is a professor.)
9. Profesorka Kováčová má 43 rokov. (Professor Kováčová is 43 years old.)
10. Ona nebýva v Bratislave. (She doesn‘t live in Bratislava.)
11. Ona býva v Prešove. (She lives in Prešov.)
12. Profesorka Kováčová učí slovenský jazyk. (Professor Kováčová teaches Slovak language.)
00:30 Information about the episode
01:50 Blending the American and Slovak holidays
03:15 Fun fact
04:17 I share with you today
04:49 My experience as a student at the University of Pittsburgh
07:01 My idea about pre-Christmas traditions
08:28 Slovak lesson
22:08 Slovak customs and traditions
26:09 Legend of St. Catherine
30:10 Prognosis on St. Catherine
To get the free copy of the full transcript of my legend, send an email with subject LEGEND OF ST. KATARINA at [email protected]
Check my Instagram @bozenasslovak
Thank you for your support
Today's episode is about Slovak last names and their meaning. In the Slovak lesson you will learn the months and the seasons of the year plus how to use them in short sentences. At the end of my episode, you will find one of my fairy tales. This time it is for intermediate learners.
Episode Notes
Today I am talking about Slovak last names and their meaning. I will explain the Slovak females last names and give you 10 most common last names in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson you will learn the months and the seasons of the year plus how to use them in short sentences. At the end of my episode, you will find one of my fairy tales. It is for intermediate learners but everyone should listen to it.
Slovak lesson
január (January)
február (February)
marec (March)
apríl (April)
máj (May)
jún (June)
júl (July)
august (August)
september (September)
október (October)
november (November)
december (December)
v januári (in January)
vo februári (in February)
v marci (in March)
v apríli (in April)
v máji (in May)
v júni (in June)
v júli (in July)
v auguste (in August)
v septembri (in September)
v októbri (in October)
v novembri (in November)
v decembri (in December)
jar, jaro (spring)
leto (summer)
jeseň (autumn, fall)
zima (winter)
1. Jeden rok má štyri sezóny. (One year has four seasons.)
2. Sezóny sú jaro, leto, jeseň, zima. (The seasons are spring, summer, fall, winter.)
3. Jeden rok má 12 mesiacov. (One year has twelve months.)
4. Január je prvý mesiac. (January is the first month.)
5. Kedy začína jar? (When does spring start?)
6. Jar začína v marci. (Spring starts in March.)
7. Kedy je Veľká noc? (When is Easter?)
8. Veľká noc je v apríli. (Easter is in April.)
9. Kedy sú Vianoce? (When is Christmas?)
10. Vianoce sú v decembri. (Christmas is in December.)
00:27 Information about the episode
02:23 Answering a listener's question about Slovak females last names
06:21 Fun fact
07:28 The most common last names in Slovakia
11:02 Slovak lesson
23:36 Fairy tale about the 12 brothers (in Slovak)
33:07 Last thoughts
To get the free copy of the full transcript of my fairy tale, send an email with subject ABOUT 12 BROTHERS at [email protected]
Check my Instagram @bozenasslovak
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In my previous episode, episode #15, I was talking about the Slovak holidays in the beginning of November. Today, I am going to tell you about the name days in Slovakia and about St. Martin’s legend. In the Slovak lesson you will learn the days of the week and how to use them in short sentences.
Episode notes
In my previous episode, episode #15, I was talking about the Slovak holidays in the beginning of November. Today, I am going to tell you about the name days in Slovakia and how Slovaks celebrate their name days. In the Slovak lesson you will learn the days of the week and how to use them in short sentences. Today's legend is about St. Martin.
Slovak lesson
deň (day)
dni (days)
týždeň (week)
týždne (weeks)
pondelok (Monday)
utorok (Tuesday)
streda (Wednesday)
štvrtok (Thursday)
piatok (Friday)
sobota (Saturday)
nedeľa (Sunday)
v pondelok (on Monday)
v utorok (on Tuesday)
v stredu (on Wednesday)
vo štvrtok (on Thursday)
v piatok (on Friday)
v sobotu (on Saturday)
v nedeľu (on Sunday)
1. Týždeň má sedem dní. A week has seven days.
2. Týždeň má päť pracovných dní. A week has five working days.
3. Víkend začína v sobotu. The weekend begins on Saturday.
4. Víkend končí v nedeľu. The weekend ends on Sunday.
5. V nedeľu nepracujeme. On Sunday we do not work.
6. Aký je dnes deň? What day is today?
7. Dnes je streda. Today is Wednesday.
00:27 Introduction to the episode
02:28 Fun fact 1
03:06 How do Slovaks celebrate their name days?
04:02 Fun fact 2
05:21 An old Slovak saying
05:36 About St. Martin
08:50 Slovak lesson
17:27 The legend of St. Martin in Slovak
22:27 Final thoughts
To get the free copy of the full transcript of the legend, send an email with subject LEGEND OF ST. MARTIN at [email protected]
Check my Instagram @bozenasslovak
Do you enjoy he podcast? Please SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW + tell me why you enjoy it.
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Today's episode is about my guest's experience in Košice. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn vocabulary about the airport and get a short dialogue from an airport. For the full transcript and the translation of this dialogue, look at this episode notes.
Episode notes
Today, I have the first guest on my show, and she will tell us what she likes about Košice in addition to its wonderful medieval street. In the Slovak lesson, you will get a short dialogue as a review to what we learned so far.
Slovak lesson
1. lietadlo (airplane)
2. letisko (airport)
3. let (flight)
4. letenka (air ticket)
5. jedným smerom letenka (one - way air ticket)
6. spiatočná letenka (return air ticket)
7. palubný lístok (boarding pass)
8. letec, pilot (pilot)
9. letuška (flight attendant)
10. letieť (to fly)
11. letecká spoločnosť (airlines)
12. odletová brána (gate)
13. odlet (departure)
14. prílet (arrivals)
15. štart (take-off)
16. pristátie (landing)
17. odbavenie (check-in)
18. cestovný pas (passport)
19. batožina (luggage)
20. núdzový východ (emergency exit)
00:32 Introduction to the episode
02: 40 My first podcast guest
03:45 Slovak/English dialogue with my guest
07:00 Fun fact
10:38 Slovak lesson
16:37 Slovak dialogue "Waiting for a flight"
18:03 Final thoughts
Dialogue "Waiting for a flight":
Two young people (D = Denny, B = Bob) are waiting for their flight and start talking to each other.
D: Dobrý večer.
B: Dobrý večer.
D: Ja som Denny.
B: Ja som Róbert. Môžeš ma volať Bob.
D: Teší ma. Aj ty letíš do Viedne?
B: Áno. Do Viedne a potom do Budapešti.
D: Ideš tam na dovolenku?
B: Nie, idem tam pracovne. A čo ty?
D: Ja idem na dovolenku. Najprv do Viedne na tri dni, potom do Bratislavy na osem dní.
B: Super! Minulý rok som aj ja bol v Bratislave, ale len dva dni. Chcem sa tam vrátiť.
D: Prečo? Páči sa ti Bratislava?
B: Bratislava je veľmi zaujímavé mesto. Chcem ju viac spoznať.
D: Môžeš mi povedať viac o Bratislave? Neviem o nej nič.
B: Dobre, ale teraz idem do baru. Máme ešte 43 minút do nástupu na palubu lietadla. Idešso mnou?
D: Prečo nie?! Poďme!
D: Good evening.
B: Good evening.
D: I am Denny.
B: I am Robert. You can call me Bob.
D: Glad to meet you. Are you flying to Vienna too?
B: Yes, to Vienna and then to Budapest.
D: Are you going there for vacation?
B: No, I’m going there for business. How about you?
D: I am going [there] for vacation. First, to Vienna for three days, then, to Bratislava for eight days.
B: Cool! Last year I went to Bratislava too, but only for two days. I want to return [there].
D: Why? Do you like Bratislava?
B: Bratislava is a very interesting city. I want to know it more.
D: Can you tell me more about Bratislava? I know nothing about it.
B: All right, but I’m going to a bar right now. We still have 43 minutes to board the plane. Are you going with me?
D: Why not?! Let’s go!
To get the free copy of the full transcript of the legend, send an email with subject LEGEND ABOUT SVATOPLUK at [email protected]
Check my Instagram @bozenasslovak where I am posting pictures of what I'm talking about on my podcasts.
Do you enjoy he podcast? Please SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW + tell me why you enjoy it.
I appreciate your support.
Today's episode is about St. Michael’s Chapel and Slovak holidays celebrated around Halloween. Our Slovak lesson is a review of numbers. You will also learn how to ask for someone’s phone number. The Slovak, almost Halloween story at the end of the episode is a story from the former medieval cemetery in the town of Košice.
Episode notes
Today I talk about St. Michael’s Chapel. Our Slovak lesson is a review of numbers. You will also learn how to ask for someone’s phone number. And in the spirit of Halloween, you will hear a spooky story from the town of Košice. It is in Slovak, but the dialogues are quite simple even for beginners.
Slovak lesson
one, two, three, ... jeden, dva, tri
four, five, six, ... štyri, päť, šesť
seven, eight, nine, ... sedem, osem, deväť
ten, eleven, twelve, ... desať, jedenásť, dvanásť
thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, ... trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť
sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, ... šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť
nineteen, twenty, ... devätnásť, dvadsať
nula, desať, dvadsať, ... zero, ten, twenty
tridsať, štyridsať, päťdesiat, ... thirty, forty, fifty
šesťdesiat, sedemdesiat, osemdesiat, ... sixty, seventy, eighty
deväťdesiat, sto, tisíc ... ninety, hundred, thousand
Other numbers: 38, 51, 97, 162, 374, 796, 1823, 2012, 6582
Years: 1989, 2021
Slovak phone numbers:
1. Q: Aké je číslo University Komenského? (What is the number of Comenius University?)
A: Číslo university je 02-59 34 26 87. (The number of the university is .....)
2. Q: Polite form: Aké je vaše telefónne číslo? (What is your phone number?)
Friendly form: Aké je tvoje telefónne číslo? (What is your phone number?)
A: Moje telefónne číslo je 0905- 735 342. (My phone number is ...)
3. Q: Aké je číslo pohotovosti? (What is the emergency number?)
A: 112. Číslo pohotovosti je 112. (The emergency number is 112.)
00:29 Information about the episode
02:37 Fun fact
03:45 Answering a question about Halloween in Slovakia
04:50 About Slovak holidays
06:17 St. Michael's Chapel
09:00 Slovak lesson
13:31 How to ask "What is ..... phone number?"
21:43 Almost Halloween story
25:29 Final thoughts
Almost Halloween story
(The following transcript is abbreviated. To get the free copy of the full transcript of the legend, send an email with subject ALMOST HALLOWEEN STORY at [email protected])
... Dvaja mladí ľudia, On a Ona, ... pred Kaplnkou Sv. Michala. Je veľmi neskoro, skoro polnoc.
Ona chce ísť domov, je unavená a toto miesto jej naháňa strach, aj keď nevie prečo.
On sa cíti ako hrdina a chce urobiť niečo veľké, hrdinské pre ňu, aj keď nevie presne čo.
Ona: Už musím ísť domov.
On: Prečo?
Ona: Je veľmi neskoro.
On: Nechoď ešte.
Ona: Musím. Rodičia budú na mňa čakať.
On: Rodičia! Tí už určite spia.
Ona: Moja mama určite nespí. Čaká na mňa.
On: Nechoď ešte. Poď so mnou aspoň ku kaplnke Sv. Michala.
Ona: Dobre. Ale iba ku kaplnke. Potom idem domov.
On: Dobre. Keď musíš ....
Mladí ľudia, držiac sa za ruky, kráčajú bez slova ku kaplnke.
Ona: Tu je kaplnka. Idem domov. Odprevadíš ma?
On: Nechoď ešte. Ostaň so mnou trochu dlhšie.
Ona: Nemôžem, je neskoro.
On: Ľúbim ťa.
Ona: Aj ja ťa ľúbim. Ale už musím ísť.
On: Poď so mnou do kaplnky ...
Ona: Nie! Idem domov! ...
... Mládenec siahol na kľučku a tá sa pohla, akoby mu niekto pomáhal otvoriť dvere zvnútra. Dvere zaškrípali a pomaly sa otvorili. Mládenec vytiahol z vrecka zapaľovač, zapálil ho a zdvihol do výšky, aby lepšie videl. "Je tu niekto?" Žiadna odpoveď. Mládenec vošiel dnu.
Zrazu cítil, akoby okolo neho niekto prešiel. Dvere sa za ním zabuchli a svetlo zo zapaľovača zhaslo ...
This episode is about Urban’s Tower and its bell that sits right next to St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral in Košice. In the Slovak lesson, I am going to teach you how to describe things and people, plus you will learn more adjectives. Then you can listen to a spooky legend about Urban's Tower in Slovak.
Episode notes
In my previous episode, I talked about St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral in Košice, the biggest church in Slovakia, that proudly stands on Main Street in Košice. Today I am going to tell you about Urban’s Tower that also stands on this historical street. The Slovak lesson is about describing things and people.
Slovak lesson
1. To je dom. Aký je dom? Dom je veľký.
(This is a house. What is the house like? The house is big.)
2. To je záhrada. Aká je záhrada? Záhrada je malá.
(This is a garden. What is the garden like? The garden is small.)
3. To je auto. Aké je auto? Auto je staré.
(This is a car. What is the car like? The car is old.)
4. To je muž. Aký je muž? Muž je silný.
(This is a man. What is the man like? The man is strong.)
5. To je žena. Aká je žena? Žena je pekná.
(This is a woman. What is the woman like? The woman is beautiful.)
6. To je dieťa. Aké je dieťa? Dieťa je milé.
(This is a child. What is the child like? The child is nice.)
More Slovak adjectives:
1. milý, milá, milé (nice)
2. atraktívny, atraktívna, atraktívne (attractive)
3. škaredý, škaredá, škaredé (ugly)
4. tučný, tučná, tučné (fat)
5. chudý, chudá, chudé (thin)
6. štíhly, štíhla, štíhle (slim)
7. príjemný, príjemná, príjemné (pleasant)
8. nepríjemný, nepríjemná, nepríjemné (unpleasant)
9. usilovný, usilovná, usilovné (diligent)
10. pracovitý, pracovitá, pracovité (hard-working)
11. lenivý, lenivá, lenivé (lazy)
12. zábavny, zábavná, zábavné (entertaining)
13. nudný, nudná, nudné (boring)
14. šťastný, šťastná, šťastné (happy)
15. smutný, smutná, smutné (sad)
00:28 Introduction to the episode
02:00 About Urban's Tower
02:38 Fun fact
05:37 Slovak lesson
19:56 Legend of Urban's Tower in Slovak
25:26 Final thoughts
To get the free copy of the legend in Slovak, send me an email with subject LEGEND OF URBAN'S TOWER to [email protected].
Check my Instagram @bozenasslovak where I am posting pictures of what I'm talking about on my podcasts.
Do you enjoy he podcast? Please SUBSCRIBE and leave a REVIEW + tell me why you enjoy it.
I appreciate your support.
Today's episode is about the biggest gothic church in Slovakia, which is located in Košice, The fun fact is also about Košice. The Slovak lesson is about more Slovak possessive pronouns. Plus, you will learn more numbers. Today’s Slovak story is about St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral and one of its legends. It is for more advanced students.
Episode notes
In the last episode I talked about Košice, the second biggest city in Slovakia. Today you will learn about the biggest gothic church in Slovakia, which is located in Košice, In the Slovak lesson, I am going to teach you more possessive pronouns. Plus, you will learn more numbers. Today’s Slovak story is about St. Elizabeth’s Cathedral and one of its legends. This time, it is more advanced level.
Slovak lesson
To learn how to ask „Whose is it?“:
Remember that "Whose“ in English is a possessive pronoun of "who“.
"Whose“ has three genders in Slovak: čí (masculine), čia (feminine), čie (neuter).
Let's practice it. Please, pay attention to the gender!
1.Čí je to dom? (Whose house is it?)
To je náš dom. (That is our house.)
2.Čia je to mačka? (Whose cat is it?)
To je jeho mačka. (That is his cat.)
3.Čie je to dievča? (Whose girl is it?)
To je moje dievča. (That is my girl.)
4.Čí je to manžel? (Whose husband is it?)
To je jej manžel. (That is her husband.)
5.Čia je to kniha? (Whose book is it?)
To je vaša kniha. (That is your book.) plural or singular formal address
6.Čie je to auto? (Whose car is it?)
To je tvoje auto. (That is your car.)
7. Čie je to dieťa? (Whose child is it?)
To je ich dieťa. (That is their child.)
One, two, three, ... jeden, dva, tri
Four, five, six, ... štyri, päť, šesť
Seven, eight, nine, ... sedem, osem, deväť
Ten, eleven, twelve, ... desať, jedenásť, dvanásť
Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, ... trinásť, štrnásť, pätnásť
Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, ... šestnásť, sedemnásť, osemnásť
Nineteen, twenty, ... devätnásť, dvadsať
Higher numbers:
10 Desať (ten)
20 Dvadsať (twenty)
30 Tridsať (thirty)
40 Štyridsať (forty)
50 Päťdesiat (fifty)
60 Šesťdesiat (sixty)
70 Sedemdesiat (seventy)
80 Osemdesiat (eighty)
90 Deväťdesiat (ninety)
100 Sto (one hundred)
200 Dvesto (two hundred)
300 Tristo (three hundred)
400 Štyristo (four hundred)
500 Päťsto (five hundred)
600 Šesťsto (six hundred)
700 Sedemsto (seven hundred)
800 Osemsto (eight hundred)
900 Deväťsto (nine hundred)
1,000 Tisíc (one thousand)
00:29 Introduction
02:11 Fun fact
08:00 Slovak lesson
14:47 Numbers
21:40 St. Elizabeth's Cathedral in Slovak
27:16 Final thoughts
To get the free copy of the full transcript of the legend, send an email with subject ST. ELIZABETH'S CATHEDRAL to my email [email protected]
Also, check my Instagram @bozenasslovak
Today's episode is about Košice, the biggest city of Eastern Slovakia and the second largest city of Slovakia. The Slovak lesson is about learning possessive pronouns and how to introduce a person to someone else. The story at the end of this episode is about Košice and it is intermediate level.
Episode notes
Today I am talking about Košice, the biggest city of Eastern Slovakia and the second largest city of Slovakia. In our Slovak lesson you are going to learn possessive pronouns. You will also practice how to introduce a person to someone else. The story at the end of this episode is for the intermediate level and it is about Košice.
Slovak Lesson
Gender: Masculine: Feminine: Neuter:
my môj moja moje
your tvoj tvoja tvoje (singular informal)
your Váš Vaša Vaše (singular formal)
his jeho jeho jeho
her jej jej jej
our náš naša naše
your váš vaša vaše
their ich ich ich
REMEMBER: To choose the appropriate form of the possessive pronoun, you have to think about the gender of the noun.
Here are some examples:
1. môj otec (my father)
2. moja matka (my mother)
3. moje bábätko (my baby)
4. tvoj brat (your brother)
5. tvoja sestra (your sister)
6. tvoje dievča (your girl)
7. náš dom (our house)
8. naša záhrada (our garden)
9. naše auto (our car)
10. váš stôl (your table)
11. vaša stolička (your chair)
12. vaše jedlo (your meal)
How to introduce someone in Slovak
1.To je moja mama. (This is my mom.)
2.To je môj otec. (This is my father.)
3.To sú moji rodičia. (These are my parents.)
4.Prosím, zoznámte sa. (Please, introduce yourself to each other.)
5.Poznáte sa? (Do you know each other?)
00:28 Introduction
02:09 About Košice
03:30 Fun fact
06:17 Slovak lesson
18:50 Story about Košice in Slovak
22:45 Final thoughts
Today’s episode is about Bratislava, the capital of Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you are going to learn how to ask and answer where you are from. You are also going to practice how to say the names of some countries in Europe. Then I have more nouns and adjectives bindings and a short conversation for you.
Episode notes
In today’s episode you are going to learn how to ask and answer where you are from. In the Episode 2 you’ve learned the names of the Slavic countries, in this episode you are going to practice how to say the names of some other countries in Europe. Then I have more nouns and adjectives bindings. Finally, I will read you a short conversation that takes place at the airport. Beginners, stay tuned in!
00:27 Introduction
01:55 Fun fact
04:18 Legend of the Bratislava Castle in English
06:53 Slovak lesson
13:38 Conversation in Slovak
14:51 My tips for you
15:37 Final thoughts
1. Anglicko (England)
2. Belgicko (Belgium)
3. Francúzsko (France)
4. Grecko (Greece)
5. Holandsko (Netherlands)
6. Maďarsko (Hungary)
7. Nemecko (Germany)
8. Portugalsko (Portugal)
9. Rakúsko (Austria)
10. Španielsko (Spain)
11. Švajčiarsko (Switzerland)
12. Švédsko (Sweden)
13. Taliansko (Italy)
1. Odkiaľ ste? (Formal) Where are you from?
2. Odkiaľ si? (Informal) Where are you from?
3. Ja som z Anglicka. I am from England.
4. Ja som z Francúzska. I am from France.
5. Ja som z Maďarska. I am from Hungary.
6. Ja som z Nemecka. I am from Germany.
7. Ja som z Rakúska. I am from Austria.
8. Ja som zo Španielska. I am from Spain.
9. Ja som z Talianska. I am from Italy.
10. Ja som z USA / Ameriky. I am from USA / America.
Dobrý deň. Váš pas, prosím.
Dobrý deň. Nech sa páči.
Ako sa voláte?
Moje meno je Peter Hudák.
Cestujete sám?
Nie. Tu je moja manželka a deti.
Moja manželka sa volá Jana Hudáková. Syn sa volá Pavol Hudák a dcéra je Anna, Anna Hudáková. Tu sú ich pasy.
Ďakujem. Kde cestujete?
Ideme na Slovensko, do Bratislavy.
Ako dlho sa tam zdržíte?
Dva týždne.
Je to dovolenka alebo služobná cesta?
To je dovolenka.
V poriadku. Šťastnú dovolenku!
If you have any questions, send an email to my email [email protected]
Also, check my Instagram @bozenasslovak
The podcast currently has 21 episodes available.