Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & Law

Legal Grounds | Michael Molthan On Addiction as a Symptom, Replacing “Tough Love” with True Love, and Freeing Others to Free Yourself

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Addiction is one of those words that - whether consciously or unconsciously – causes most people to instantly conjure up a stock-image of a person at rock bottom due to drugs and alcohol. 

Now, as we’ve discussed in previous episodes with both experts & those who’ve experienced it first-hand, addiction is nearly always a symptom of something deeper. 

But one of the things that struck me in this week’s conversation was that while as a society we’re beginning to see through many of the cultural MYTHS we hold surrounding addiction, there may exist an even bigger problem: a fundamental understanding of what addiction actually is & how it can manifest itself in our lives. 

My guest this week is Michael Molthan, a former drug addict and alcoholic who has dedicated his life to helping others on their path to recovery on his daily talk show, M2 The Rock

Since 2017, Michael has been inspiring individuals to break free from life-shattering addictions and everyday obstacles, empowering them to embrace their true potential and live their best lives. 

A sought-after speaker, Michael also helps run the M2 organization, a nonprofit that helps connect those struggling with addiction to resources, including Certified Recovery Coaches, Information and referrals, scholarships for intensive outpatient programs, as well as other resources.

We discuss why rock-bottom is often a plural, how finding freedom for ourselves can sometimes require freeing those around us, choosing true love as a form of tough love, and so much more. 

Enjoy the show.



Michael’s Instagram 

Michael’s LinkedIn

Michael’s Story (Video by IAMSECOND)

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Legal Grounds | Conversations on Life, Leadership & LawBy Mike H. Bassett

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