LensFlare 35 is a weekly show brought to you by Dave Warner. This week, Dave interviews sports photographer Dave Black . As a freelance photographer for over 30 years Dave’s work has primarily centered on the sports industry including coverage of 12 Olympic Games, the Masters, Kentucky Derby, Daytona 500, and the NFL and NCAA championships. He has worked on assignment for such publications as Sports Illustrated, Time, and Newsweek. Known for his creative use of lighting and in particular with the artistic technique of light painting, Dave’s portfolio continues to broaden with work in the commercial and advertising industry, and with specialized lighting projects including work for the National Geographic and their book Where Valor Rests, Arlington National Cemetery.
In this episode, Dave talks about his style of photography, his ‘hard-core’ approach to speed lighting, the turning point in his career, his Workshop at the Ranch, what it takes to get THE shot, his book, lightpainting and where he would shoot if he could stay somewhere for one whole month. You’ll be as surprised at the answer as I was! We created a multi-media show of his images with an explanation of each one when you visit www.lensflare35.com.