Back in 1979…
Steve Abadi, had dreams of electronic glass way before it was technically possible. With previous electronics knowledge from his first company Cynergy Electronics and his brainchild Steremote (which won the Consumer Electronics Award in 1979), Steve wanted to expand his consumer-controlled device offerings. As a young developer & entrepreneur in his early twenties, he was featured in several publications.
His desire to create electronic glass with liquid crystal fueled his passion. He set his mind and began figuring out how to bring his dream to a reality. After engineering, developing and working closely with Allied Signal and their original liquid crystal technology, Steve finally created his own dynamic glazing product in 1984; “LC Glass” – short for Liquid Crystal. He exhibited his Electronic Switchable Glass at several trade shows, and people loved it. They thought it was something out of the Jetsons, only a little too futuristic for its time. Unfortunately, Steve had to put his electronic glass dreams on hold.
Fast forward…
20 years later, the time was right. Steve saw an opportunity to bring electronic glass back on the market for a 2nd time after keeping it in his back pocket for all those years. He founded Innovative Glass Corporation in 2003 & developed the market with the registered trademark of eGlass. Together with his son Aron, they soon created the demand for switchable glazing products throughout the world.
Today, Innovative Glass is fully engaged in the further R&D, marketing and distribution of eGlass electronically switchable glass products, along with the expanded Dynamic Glazing product line to dozens of industries and businesses throughout the world. The eGlass product line is centered around solutions that provide privacy, heat, light and energy control.
Innovative Glass is the one-stop resource for “smart” glass windows, doors, skylights, partition systems, curtain walls, and atria. Dynamic eGlass products are available worldwide to builders, contractors, glaziers and directly to consumers. Please see their website for all Dynamic Glass products available as well as contact information.
Innovative Glass Corp Website