Shawn Hardie chats with Clint Coley, stand-up comedian and creator of the Amazon Prime series The World Series of Spades. They discuss how he started The World Series of Spades (3:30), how a girl inspired him to do stand-up comedy (10:50) and the inspiration for his podcast, "Advice From A Fuck Boy" (17:56). After ranking Dave Chappelle over Eddie Murphy(!!!) during Rapid Fire questions (26:15), Clint discusses how his podcast fans helped him cope with death of his father and his special relationship with his father (who taught him how to play spades) (32:27) and when he thinks he'll resume doing live stand-up comedy shows again (50:42).
Note: Apologies for the background noise, and the language is a little colorful... but you're an adult.
Click here to watch The World Series of Spades.Click here to listen to "Advice from A F*ck Boy."
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