Art is important for our own well-being, our homes, and our community. Can you imagine life without the beauty and texture of all the different forms of art we have around us?
If you're looking to add more art into your life, listen in as we discuss the River Clay Fine Arts Festival held in Decatur, AL. Beth Bachuss, one of the members on the steering community talks with us about the festival and the importance of art in our lives.
The River Clay Festival is held on the fourth weekend in September every year, rain or shine, on the grounds of Decatur City Hall. To find out more, go to their website at Follow them on Facebook and Instagram, @RiverClayArts.
And if you need a new home to display all your fabulous art, we can help you find one! We're The Let's Connect Team at Dean's List Realty, LLC.
Let's Connect you to your new home and community!