Dear A, Have you been well? I have written and rewritten this feeling I have been carrying with me for days now, and all that is left for me to say is all that I can give within the enclosed. I hope that my clumsy expression serves you in some way.
Content Warning: Mentions of Depression and Symptoms of Depression
NOTE: There is no replacement for professional mental and emotional guidance in the form of therapy. However if therapy is a resource that is not easily attainable and you find yourself in need, please consider reaching out to a helpline such as
The Samaritans HelpLine which focuses on providing compassionate support to anyone who might be experiencing feelings of anxiety, confusion, isolation and depression. Their services are confidential and free to use and can be reached by dialing 1-877-870-4673
Written and Produced by myself, Veronica Sisneros nee Vestal
Find me online as @veronero_chan on Twitter, Tiktok and Instagram.
Have a letter you'd like to submit, send it on in at [email protected] and title it LTA Submission with permission to read for the show.
Credit for today's quote is provided by the influential French Novelist, Gustave Flaubert, in a letter written to George Sand he states,
"As for me, my heart is oppressed in a way that astonishes me, and I wallow in a bottomless melancholy"
Honorable mention includes the work of Rainer Maria Rilke from "The Book of Hours" in which we refer to his statement,
"Yet no matter how deep I go into myself, My God is dark."