Today I’m talking with Emory M. Moore Jr. A health and fitness pioneer and innovator, he created the EM LifeWork TM & EM technique TM methods for holistic fitness, wellness and body harmony.
Emory is a multi-certified exercise & movement master teacher and pioneer. With over 35 years of experience, Emory has immersed himself in the study of a myriad of disciplines including, but not limited to martial arts, dance, chi gong, yoga, bodywork, Pilates, Gyrotonic, somatic training & strength conditioning systems. Not content with having a taste of all things he went for total involvement pursuing decades of study on three continents.
Emory has taught and trained hundreds of teachers in the US, Germany & Switzerland some of whom went on to sculpt the fitness landscape and help develop the fitness industry as we know it today.
A resident of Brooklyn, New York, Emory’s passion for teaching and the education of young people, led him to found the ground breaking Embora Studio and to create the wellness-arts organization EM Arts exemplifying the belief that the way to a better healthier society is through inner harmony and the arts. Currently EM Arts serves schools in New York City and we’re going to talk about their work in schools and with teachers and students a great deal today. It’s really beautiful and needed work, I’m sure you’ll enjoy hearing about it. You can read more about his work at
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