Still working on the audio but we hope you enjoy!
1. Travel as much as you can
2. Embers yourself in different cultures
3. Hard work is the key to success
4. Ask questions, be curious
5. The world will teach you things the classroom never could!
6. Surround yourself with people who make you happy and a better person
7. It’s not bragging if you can back it up
8. Life is about a mindset, it’s a perspective
9. I don’t work, I work hard. Think I get to learn not I have to learn. Many people don’t have the opportunities you do.
10. Give back when you reach the top; that being said, you will reach it
11. Life’s not short, you just have to do more
12. Exceed expectation.
13. The theory of yes but no. Everything is possible until it’s not but even when it’s impossible it still is possible.
14. Be sure to be with people who will be with you in everything and be as crazy as you
15. Be different. Don’t be afraid to go right when they go left. What is no one else doing?
16. I’m not here to talk history, I’m here to make it