Dr. Erin says, "I am so grateful for everything chiropractic has brought to my life. Chiropractic gave me my son back. It gave me a healthy pregnancy and a beautiful birth for my second child. It gave me purpose. It gave me a vision. It gave me peace and certainty. It continues to give me balance and it continues to serve my mind, body, and soul." Listen up and in to this story about Dr. Erin's challenges of having a son that was injured by a vaccine at his 18-month "shots" appointment. He severely regressed, and then recovered, let's see how and why!
Dr. Erin shares her story about her son and how we can heal, grow and flow into a more meaningful life, even after going through some of her most painful moments as well…
* [3:10] Liam, was a surprise babe, Dr. Erin sets the stage
* [4:30] The cyst and then, her intuition kicked in.
* [6:00] Erin talks about stress during pregnancy. Liam enters the scene, and so does dad, just in time!
* [12:22] The house burns down! BUT, having been through stress after stress, this is the place Dr. Erin can give wise advice to her clients, pregnant and stressed alike! She also discusses having a sick kid and being told it was normal.
* [19:20] Dr. Erin discusses the disempowerment of women to birth and feed their babies. Breastfeeding is a learning process for infant and mother.
* [22:14] Vaccine injury discussed, and disaster hits her son Liam's life. Dr. Erin uses her mommy gut, or intuition.
* [26:00] In short amount of time, Liam fully regresses, here what that sounds like from a mom's perspective.
* [29:41] What did she do? And how she thought about health then, and how her perspective changed from Liam's experience.
* [32:56] Doctor give blow of a diagnosis based on very little assessment.
* [33:30] D.A.N doctor, doctor that specialize in Autism. A true blessing. Dr. Erin discusses genetic mutation called MTHFR that is very common in children with vaccine injuries. The body's natural ability to detox is stifled. This should be tested for in infants before getting vaccinated.
* [44:07] We have tried "everything" enter chiropractic and Dr. Erin discusses her drive and calling to becoming a chiropractor. Her son's path was emotional, yet healing for her and her family.
* [55:35] How frustrating is it if you can't communicate with your child? Birthing plan and technique is discussed. Resource evidenced-based birth.
Resources I mentioned:
Contact your Host: Doc Schrock [[email protected]]
Contact Dr. Erin: [email protected]
Resources mentioned: www.evidencebasedbirth.com
Summary and Life Alive Lesson:
I certainly gained some perspective and saw how things in life are tough, but you can get through them with support and the right path to let the body heal. In Dr. Erin's own words about Liam After his first appointment, our constipation-riddled child was able to use the bathroom. This was incredibly significant considering that our baby would get so constipated that we frequented the emergency room due to impaction. That alone was enough for us to continue care. A few months went by and I began to realize the changes in our son's life. We took our son to get a haircut and it was event-free. He didn't cry and we didn't have to hold him down. He was starting to show interest in drawing and coloring. And then it happened — he was talking and he was saying sentences. His first word after starting chiropractic care was "car" and his first sentence was "I see cars." (He really liked cars!) The most amazing part of this testimony is that he wasn't supposed to be able to do any of this. We were told that he wouldn't be able to communicate, express his emotions, or socialize with other kids. But here he was shattering that statistic.