New studies and understanding paint a new picture of what we can expect from a tsunami after an earthquake. For the worst tsunamis, the wave height may actually be double what was previously predicted. This would have a massive impact on what a tsunami might look like and do, and how coastal areas should prepare for them.
Focus is especially given to the Cascadia Subduction Zone off the coast of the Pacific Northwest because that's what I'm most familiar with and it was also what was discussed in the relevant writings.
Preparedness and education are two of the five pillars of the Life, Liberty, And Pursuit Of Happiness Project because you should not only be empowered, educated, and able to build your best life, but also have the knowledge and tools you need to protect the life you build when emergencies or disasters happen so you can thrive.
Check out Magic Mind, the LLPHP's first sponsor, and a great product that helps with focus, clarity, and alertness. Get 20% off your first order by going to and entering code llphp20 at checkout!
The music for the intro and outro is from Loyalty Freak Music. The intro is from their song "Everyone Is So Alive" and the outro is from their song "Monarch Of The Street".
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