Vitamin D is so vital to our health that it is the first vitamin supplement recommended by many health governing bodies such as the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency and the World Health Organisation.
It is also the first supplement that biohackers like Dave Asprey would recommend in your pursuit of living longer and healthier.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in a few foods, artificially added to others like milk and cereals, and available as a dietary supplement. It is also produced endogenously when ultraviolet (UV) rays from sunlight hit your skin, this triggers what they call "vitamin D synthesis"
I have a link for you to get the vitamin D that I use by love life supplements. (this is an affiliate link, thanks for supporting)
Before you listen to the podcast I would like to tell you about the collagen powder that I sell. Its made from PEPTAN, the worlds leading collagen producer, it is the highest quality collagen you can get on the market. Collagen protein is the building blocks to your bones, skin and joints. You can increase muscle recovery, look great and feel great when you supplement your diet with Lifeshot Collagen powder.
Mix it in your smoothies or coffee, or with juice or add it to some recipes. I have a few of them on my blog, check them out here. If you are looking for top-quality coffee we sell that here too, its called Lifebrew coffee, it's our own brand here at lifeshot and its speciality grade, medium roasted micro-lot coffee. From farms where we have a relationship with the farmers and where we can track the quality and consistency of the coffee beans. Get yours here.