The Holiness of God, Romans 13 and the Church’s Role in Politics with Pastor Joel Webbon
I speak with Pastor Joel Webbon, President and Founder of Right Response Ministries and the Senior Pastor of Covenant Bible Church, located on the North Side of Austin, TX about the Holiness of God and the role of the church in today’s volatile cultural and political climate and more.
About Right Response Ministries: Millions of people in the world today live in the midst of extreme theological poverty. Many have not even heard the name of Jesus, and many of those who have heard still possess little knowledge of who Jesus truly is. Right Response Ministries is on a mission to change that. We aim to help people everywhere begin to embrace a right knowledge of God that will burst forth into a right response of obedience, worship, and heart-felt adoration. Theology is the fuel for doxology. The heart cannot love what the mind does not know.
Follow Pastor Joel Webbon find Right Response Ministries at:
Theology Applied Podcast available on Apple, Spotify, and most podcast platforms
Instagram: @rightresponseministries
Twitter: @rightresponsem
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