Do you often find that you and your partner are having the same fight over and over again? Stuck in low quality conversation patterns? If so, you are not alone. In this week's episode of Lightbulb Moments, Steve talks about how to identify if you are stuck in a low quality conversation. Below are four ways to identify why this might be happening and what you can do to change it.
4 Common Ways You Might Be in A Low Quality Conversation
*The focus of the disagreement is on your partner's behavior. You may notice that conversations can focus on trying to convince your partner of what they’re doing wrong. What typically happens, is we are met with defensiveness. It's now a debate and not a connection.
*The argument is full of blame. If you would be different, this relationship would improve. Low quality conversations are often debates about who is doing something wrong.
*You have the same argument many times. You fall in the same old ruts in the conversation. You find that similar points have been made. Your partner's responses are familiar and repetitive.
*You try to Identify who is right and who is wrong. Trying to convince your partner in the conversation that you are right. The argument becomes a power struggle, trying to identify who will receive validation.
This week, take a few moments and be on the lookout - pay attention to your conversations. If you find you are having low quality conversation, stay tuned to find out how to get out of that pattern.
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