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FAQs about Lights Like Us:How many episodes does Lights Like Us have?The podcast currently has 62 episodes available.
March 28, 2021Back and BetterLights Like Us is back and we have all kinds of new plans, starting with our new website with all kinds of goodies and a new "wonder" section launching on 4.3.21. Ryan and Heidi talk a little about what's been happening and what's coming!...more31minPlay
September 13, 202010 Years. 10 Things.Ryan and Heidi jump back on the 10th anniversary of a big day to talk about 10 things they’ve learned/changed/thought about since then....more0minPlay
April 21, 2020BTS: 05In the ever-evolving and changing experiment called Behind the Shadows (some small-ish, daily-ish thoughts about the world, light, and freedom) Episode 5 mixes it up a bit and talks about well… the most important question in the world....more0minPlay
April 20, 2020BTS: 04A short something to think about in terms of the great stories and myths (and Bible)....more0minPlay
April 17, 2020BTS: 01Jumper cables, light, aqueducts, shaping, 2 x 4’s, and whatever that “god-shaped-hole” thing is about....more0minPlay
April 16, 2020Behind the Shadows (Intro)Introducing a new little thing… just from Ryan. Subtitle: Liberation for the FreeSubtitle: Holy InsipidSubtitle: some small-ish, daily-ish thoughts about the world, light, and freedom....more0minPlay
April 06, 2020Surreal TimesAfter a little hiatus in some history-making, surreal, and very strange times, Ryan and Heidi are back (with Isaac and Abbey) to talk about the day we are all living....more0minPlay
March 06, 2020Kids These Days (Part Three)The kids are back! This time Ryan and (a very sick sounding Heidi) talk about a few small things with them including climate change, the education system, and healthcare. Small, easy topics....more0minPlay
FAQs about Lights Like Us:How many episodes does Lights Like Us have?The podcast currently has 62 episodes available.