soundtrack of the LFMK video poam made for the SAPAC (Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center & SafeHouse Center) "rEVOLUTION" show in the Duderstadt Center Gallery to launch the LFMK brand. LFMK (Looking for My Killer) is a (type of) PSA that hopes to call attention to the vulnerability of humanity through an extreme selfless act, that of a woman using herself to attract the attention of an attacker in order to protect other women the attacker might pursue if she were not willingly available. Because she enters into her humanitarian mission joyfully, the music is spirited, the colors of the embedded ads (by Ansted Moss of are vivid.
Look for LFMK T-shirts, mouse pads, mugs, picture frames, tote bags.
Read some of the LFMK print poams in The Canary, Callaloo, NOR, and the Oleander Review.
The LFMK video poam is available in the Limited Fork podcast.