This is a question in a job interview where the employer is trying to find key skills and characteristics to fill the position. It is important to use keywords relevant to the position that can be used.
People often make two critical mistakes in answering this question. They appear over confident and arrogant or they minimize their because they do not know how to express their accomplishments.
It is possible to appear confident without overdoing a response. One thing people have a tendency to do is answer questions with “I am”. It is better to answer to answer questions with phrases like “Others have told me that”.
Some people may feel that they have not accomplished much in previous employment and don’t express their strengths that makes them stand out. Other people may be humble and not wish to boats.
Being humble has always been a hallmark for kindness and esteem. But you can be humble while still giving yourself credit for your accomplishments. When you’re proud about what you’ve done, the building blocks of self esteem become tighter and tighter and eventually, you learn to trust yourself and your decisions.
As an employee, patting yourself on the back is nothing wrong. Every success that’s passed on to others will make them sit up and notice you – and respect you for your hard work.