M+G Readings

Lionheart by greenteacup, Chapter 32

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Been looking forward to this one, it's chaotic at The Burrow 😏 As you can see, it's the whole chapter because there wasn't a good natural stopping point. 🤗

Thanks to @thedramionearchives for voicing Arthur! ♥ go check her out she's amazeballs.

Disclaimer: Any negative comments regarding my voice, performance, accent, or the sound effects will be deleted. Thank you for your understanding. I am NOT a professional voice actor and spend my free time making these for your enjoyment. If I get a line wrong, I'll be keeping them in if they went unnoticed during editing, especially in the current AI filled climate. I am human, we make mistakes. ❤

Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41354757/chapters/111851080

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