We are ultimately energetic being inhabiting a physical experience. Everything we see with our two eyes is made from a combination of energy and matter. According to Eastern philosophy, we are comprised of seven chakras, spinning energy wheels, that align us with our divine source and connection to the earth. We are made of both. When we are experiencing the alignment of our chakras, facilitated by Kundalini awakening within us, we feel alive, vibrant, and successful. We understand our power to create in the world. We realize we are in the world but we are more than ‘the stuff’ that the world is made of. Our worth and value are intrinsic and seen reflected in the beings and environment around us. Enjoy the journey. I would love to hear how you are enjoying the Listening Lotus Meditations and Conversations Podcast, please leave a review on Apple Podcast and Spotify and/or send me a message. Thank you. Learn more www.listeninglotus.wordpress.com Want to go deeper? Subscribe for more energy-healing tools. Harness the power of YOU.