Welcome to our new podcast, Listening To Adoptees.
We’re your hosts.
- I’m Katelyn, I’m Asian American, cis female, I go by she/her/hers and I’m a transracial and same race international adoptee from China and identify as a follower of Jesus!
- I’m Annie. I am white, cis female, I go by she or they, I’m queer, and I’m the parent of one child through transracial adoption and one through birth.
Listening to Adoptees is a podcast for everyone in the adoption constellation: adoptees, adoptive parents, birth or first or biological parents, siblings, friends, extended family and allies of adoptees. We believe that the people who know the very most about adoption are adoptees. Adoptees are the experts on their own experiences. This podcast is a place to listen to the stories, advice and visions of adoptees. There is no singular story of adoption, so we interview multiple adoptees on this long journey to explore, deepen and learn from adoptees.
We’ll be talking about so many things, including racism, intersecting identities, mistakes some adoptive parents make, things some adoptive parents get right, self-esteem, the huge problems in the adoption and foster care industries, things our guests love about adoption, relationships with birth families, and much more.
We hold a vision where adoptees are the ones who will create a new vision of adoption for our future and the rest of us help to make it so.
Introducing our season one guests!
- Oliver
- Shawn
- Katelyn
- Olivia
- Christopher
- Garrett
We’re so excited to bring you the rest of the season!
We need your help. Please subscribe right now so you don’t miss a single episode, and tell someone who could benefit from listening. That’s the best way for us to grow this podcast.
shownotes at https://www.listeningtoadoptees.com/episodes/1