Hello. This is John Rhodes with my podcast novel, “Little Bird Told Me”, and this is chapter 19 entitled, “The Detective Returns from India, and a Meeting”. The detective returns from Goa, India. Goa, India is supposedly a place that, much like Yelapa, Mexico, has preserved the spirit of the sixties. In these show notes I have included a link to a free movie that takes place in Goa.Here is the link: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4293381565598742364 It’s pretty good. If that doesn’t work, try going to Google Video, and search for this: The Wonderland Experience - psychedelic trance music movie shot in Goa India, by Urban Eye. I’m going to be short and sweet today, but please, if you can consider buying my book in its full audio version from www.audible.com . Thanx.