“Spiritual bypassing” is a term coined by the late John Welwood to describe a phenomena he was observing in various Buddhist communities he was a part of. Welwood found that people were using religious practice to avoid dealing with “unresolved emotional issues, psychological wounds, and unfinished developmental tasks.” In this episode, we explore the implications of this concept on our collective journey, as well as its impact on emotional development as a whole.
Recorded November 23, 2019
Music by Tears of Mars
https://open.spotify.com/artist/7FHUDYgxLf4RNGoDIDhUhh?si=r3hLSNF1TuaglHizxNRxKw (https://open.spotify.com/artist/7FHUDYgxLf4RNGoDIDhUhh?si=r3hLSNF1TuaglHizxNRxKw)