For those of you that felt like 6 episodes wasn't quite enough, this one is for you. Roberta Ahmanson is a brilliant expert on all things Church History. For context, she logged in for this remote interview with John Mark from a library of 20,000 books, all of which she's read ... Based on the premise that there is much to learn from the Church's history, John Mark and Roberta rewind to the culture of 5th century Rome to discuss the parallels between that moment and our own, and how Christians functioned in the midst of it.
If you haven’t heard, John Mark is also launching a new ministry this Fall called Practicing the Way. Through Practicing the Way, John Mark will create beautiful spiritual formation resources and experiences to help you and your church be with Jesus, become like Jesus and to do what he did. To join The Circle, become a pilot church or learn more today, head to