Spoken Poem Titled: ‘An Unconditional Cocktail’ #creativewriting #poem #spokenword
When you meet your gentlest soul
And meet you shall,
Approach as equals,
Quench the thirst of the other with unconditionality
Knowing that you are more than worthy of one another Calibrate for both equilibrium and equanimity upon taste buds;
Engage profusely without judgement or hesitation
Sip locked eye gazing journey together with patience, unabated curiosity and solidarity, Discover together how your fortitudes can combine
To build a home of resilience
To shelter through the adversities that may lurk
Behold your soul beloved with the tenderness of your selfless considerations Effuse rapturous desires with citrus passions under umbrellaed devotion
Offer that cocktail mix of supple humility and mystery set in unguarded openness The secret gardens that you tend to daily
Forget not to stir in the unaging innocence of the inborn playfulness in your youthful soul Squeeze in ever more generously that heartfelt love
And Spoon in un-deliberated the freedoms that revitalises
Drink up the effervescence of life’s cocktail
Enjoy it all with your shield set aside and your armour disrobed of all safeguards
Always speak your truth;
Distill it with compassion
And infuse with the reverence of that excruciating vulnerability; That only comes with real honesty
If nothing else, resolutely offer all the respect you can muster and listen wholeheartedly
Choose always to forge together through difficult times, in grief,
in sorrow,
the loss of tomorrows
misfortune and pain
Refrain from temptations to disdain or to turn towards mere distracting ‘other possibilities’ For you can be assured the darkness will unrelentingly and jealously stalk your light
Most of all love freely; as freely as the clouds roam the skies
Free from fearful speculation; doubt or inconsequential questioning
Uplift together above the mundanity
Above the mountain top mist
Worry not about the loneliness of years yonder
For loneliness cannot take root where hearts are so bonded
You’ll find the gentlest soul giving back in love, Pure and uncomplicated
A place of serenity,
Life’s real treasure to behold
Your cocktail of unconditionality is your cocktail of simple choices The choices to repetitiously choose love whatever comes
To stir love loyally, to stir love honestly
So that your love may pour forth within and without.