Andy's reference in the program to bringing medicine back in connection with the natural world is both a lead-in to the second dialogue (with Larry Dossey, M.D.) in this free subscription series and fits my own visionary worldview referred to in the course of this program, in which I describe the evolutionary imperative of developing a mature planetary consciousness at this point by: (i) reactivating our indigenous heritage of being embedded in an alive, conscious natural universe, (ii) bringing that reawakened awareness from the "childhood" of the species forward through our individuated, innovate but fragmented, modern mind consciousness (which has sought to empower our human species over and against Mother Nature in an archetypal "adolescent" developmental process), and (iii) integrating both in a higher, mature "third consciousness" planetary in scope. This "third consciousness" as a "Sacred Marriage" of the balanced essence of prior feminine and masculine (indigenous and modern) stages of evolution, the "hoop and the tree", can then engender a new holistic awareness capable of holding together in paradox and harmony both unity consciousness and the infinite diversity of individual manifestations at the same time -- without the either-or polarization of the negative, narcissistic side of the adolescent-like modern mind which have the effect of killing off diversity in the name of growth, creating conflict, ecological and ethnic destruction, enforced "unity" through assertive ideological domination coming from insecurity, etc.
This species-wide evolutionary development trajectory (with different groups and cultures at different stages of adolescent mind at any given time, like older and younger siblings) from adolescent rebellion, attempts at domination, polarization and rejection of the wisdom of Mother Nature, forward to maturity is reminiscent of Mark Twain's remark: "When I was 14, I couldn't believe how ignorant my parents were, and when I turned 21 I was amazed at how much they had learned in seven short years."
Andy Weil and I also dialogue specifically in this program about the Boomer Generation's redefining the nature of aging and "retirement" into something more self-aware and socially conscious as well. I quote the phrase "America the Wise", the title of the widely-acclaimed book by Theodore Roszak (who had written the ground-breaking “Making of a Counter-Culture” about the Boomers in the 60’s), and then I talk about how we cannot create a wisdom civilization without effectively creating a generation of wise elders. Such a generation of wise elders will provide, as I describe in other dialogues, the presently non-existent basis for what Erik Erikson called the "ethical dialogue" between wise elders and youth necessary for the health and very survival of any civilization, what I call the "evolutionary imperative".
In this regard, Andy and I in this first program also dialogue about how "healthy aging" ideas are relevant to people and audiences of all ages, and go beyond the confines of our current youth-obsessed culture to create a balanced and sustainable intergenerational and creative dialogue from teens to nonageneraians and beyond. There is also material here in this first program that will serve the Boomers in very practical ways as they relate to their aging parents.
To order a transcript of this program, or a CD or MP3 of the full one hour dialogue with myself and Andrew Weil (including Part 1 on Dr. Weil’s book Spontaneous Healing), or if you have any questions or comments you’d like to send me, you can contact me at [email protected], or at my website: Many thanks again for your attentive deep listening in helping co-create this program. All the best, Duncan.