Merry Christmas! While many pack up the decorations after December 25, Catholics know the Christmas season is just beginning. Join my daughter, Julia and me as we explore the richness of the liturgical Christmas season, starting with the Birth of Christ on December 25 and extending through the Baptism of Our Lord - the 2nd week in January. We share how our family keeps the Christmas spirit alive and strong, and dive into the beautiful feast days and traditions we celebrate during these 12 Days of Christmas and beyond.
---Show resources mentioned:
Daily Mass readings: Feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph | USCCB (these particular Scripture readings are awesome! But following along the daily Mass readings is a great way to grow in your Faith and Live LIT! USCCB website is a great place to start.
One of my favorite prayers for families: Mother Teresa's Prayer for the Family | EWTN
Elizabeth Ann Seton children's book TElizabeth Ann Seton: Mother for Many (Saints and Me!): Yoffie, Barbara, Borgatti, Katherine: 9780764822414: Books
Home | Family Formation What our family has used & continues to use to learn and love the Catholic Faith together.
~~You can also follow along and see a glimpse into how we Live LIT in our family life on Instagram @Divine9LivingLIT
Instagram Feast of the Holy family
Instagram Feast of the Holy Innocents
Instagram 12 days of Christmas