This this week's Tip Tuesday episode, I explain my S.L.O.W. Method to help you stop rushing and become a finisher!
I’m my experience, RUSHING is one of the main causes of continual clutter and why many people never seem to get a handle on maintaining an organized home environment. When we RUSH, we don’t complete and when we don’t give ourselves enough time to complete, we can't maintain the systems that keep order.
Here is my S.L.O.W. Method to stopping the rushing.
S-STOP yourself from doing things part way. If you cannot do it properly, don’t complete it improperly.
L-LEAVE for appointments before you think you should. Most things take longer than we think!
O-ORGANIZE your schedule to to have buffer time before and after appointments for maintenance.
W-WITHHOLD from stuffing and shoving things when you are rushed. Keep a Put-Back basket on each level of your home to toss items that need more attention to handle or put away properly.
Host Katrina Teeple. Owner of a professional organizing company with offices in LA & Dallas.
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