Wait, what? I'm on? This is recording straight TO text ok, sorry FOLKS i"K USING my Talk-to-Text feature in Microsoft Word 2000 right now. So, we, have the latest Long Story Short episode here, and this is uhh, it's umm...the third episode?? Yes, yes! I"m being told that that is in fact correct. I thought that maybe it was our 100th show, but that seems unlikely. On this episode we recorded in a tiny box with no AC on a hot day. And it was awesome. I was giving my guest Matt Swagler iced tropical juices and fanning him when I saw a sweat droplet forming on his brow in fear that he was going to leave at any moment. Thankfully he did not. Oh! We have more sponsorship now for ht show so we have some commercials placements, as well as a reading from 'Nature's Ways' about a certain leprosy-ridden beast from the American South. Hmm, I wonder what this creature could beeeeeeeee?? Also stick around to learn about woke literature, Tall Tales from Moses, and we find out Matt is in denial about committing spider homicide.