hhhhyyyyiiiiit's beeeeeennnnn ... ONE WEEK SINCE YA LOOKED AT MEYYY. This podcast begins with a wonderful(ish) tribute to our guys in BNL, followed by absolutely nothing to do with them. Join us for a game of WOULD YOU RATHER, where we talk about curdled milk, eating moths, yinzers and clean butthole hygiene. Today's podcast features our friends at MICKFIT ENERGY DRINKS - the new all-natural way to give your body a boost without the bad stuff. You can find them here:www.mickfitbeverages.com and use code BRETT10 for 10% off your order!Supporting small businesses is crucial to keeping all of our friends around the world in production- please take a look, try some for yourself or even just forward the link to a few friends! We are now live at www.talkingheadspod.com - subscribe to be notified about new stuff we are doing and new episodes we are putting out. Thanks for being here, thanks for existing.