Our little shoe opens with a call-in from long time LOTSL listener, Princess Honah.
Brenda Boo buys a turntable. Cost of new releases on vinyl. Vampires. Sylvester Stallone’s psychic mom. Brenda identifies as a witch. Not really.
Has Howard Stern has found his soul? Stern on Youtube bullies.
ThatPeterG has an annoyingly persistent ear-worm! Jefferson Starship, Airplane or whatever…and “Electric Avenue”? Working memory and chewing gum! The Scarsdale Diet murder connection! Mark Twain! Woman drives off cliff! Plus:even more persistent ear worms over the years. Lady Gaga may be queen of ear-worms. Medical condition when you hear music in your head. Even MORE on EAR WORMS! Brenda has ‘em!
LOTSL brings tribute to Big Fatty from Big Fatty Online
LOTSL responds to e-mails sent in by Princess Honah.
ThatPeterG talks about the giant Charmin forever roll of toilet paper, and LOTSL talks ENDLESSLY about it…
“New Coke” is coming back!
It’s time for… Sing Along with LOTSL!!
Toppie Smellie has a problem with the saying, “a suspension of disbelief,” asserting that he always understood the correct saying is, “a suspension of belief”.
Calling into work for a sick day: Who has told a whopper?
Brenda presents a list of “Mid-Westernisms”! What is sherbet anyway, and how do you spell it? And what is Italian Ice…? What is Sorbet? And what is Ranch Dressing??
Toppie has an important message for the men of America: STOP SHOWING YOUR GODDAM BUTT CRACKS!!!!!
Brenda is into vinyl! Meanwhile, Jay the Hauntcub doesn’t like riffling thru collections that aren’t organized…
Stay off the Shit List!!!!
Call us at 949-41-LOTSL (949-415-6875)
Write us at [email protected]
LOTSL is a proud member of Pride48 and Univoz