Episode 27 "And Another Thing" show notes. Long show note are here.
Follow up
Additional System Recovery Boost enhancements:
Sysplex partitioning recovery: Boosts all surviving systems in the sysplex as they recover and takes on additional workload following the planned or unplanned removal of a system from the sysplex.
Two more portable software instances: Db2 and IMS added to Shopz on Aug 20, 2020, in addition to CICS (Dec 2019).ASK MPT
Martin was asked about which systems in a System Recovery Boost Speed Boost situation get their GCPs sped up to full speed.
Mainframe - Trying out Ansible for driving z/OSMF Workflows
Marna's been learning about Ansible and how it can drive z/OSMF work. So far with z/OSMF Workflows, from ansible-galaxy collection for ibm.ibmzoszosmf
Needed lots of assistance from two gracious Poughkeepsie system testers (massive thanks to Marcos Barbieri and Daniel Gisolfi !!)
Learning about an Ansible
Encountered two kinds of problems:
Security issues connecting the Linux environment to a large Poughkeepsie System Test z/OSMF environment
Workflow-related: duplicate instances when part of the playbook ran ok, and selecting an automated workflow.Performance - So You Don't Think You're An Architect?
Brand new presentation for 2020, builds on the “who says what SMF is for?” slide in "How To Be A Better Performance Specialist"
Presentation talks about 3 layers
The Top Layer - Machines, Sysplexes And LPARs
The Middle Layer - Workloads And Middleware: Spikes, Restarts, Cloning, Topology, Software Levels
The Bottom Layer - Application Components: Db2 and MQ Accounting Trace, DDF topology, data sets
Fulfilling the definiton Of Architecture? Understand what's really going on and valuable to system architectsTopics - Notifications
They are unsolicited messages appearing on the device, generally interruptions whether wanted or not.
Examples of what is received and where/
IFTTT still a favorite of Marna's, mentioned in Episode 23 “The Preview That We Do” Topics topic. Martin just subscribed to Premium, but at a low-ball price.
How do you manage them to reduce their number.
An advanced topic is how you can generate your own
On iOS the Pushcut app: a webhook from eg IFTTT can cause a notification
On Android we have MacroDroid.Customer requirements
Customer Requirement 138729 : z/OS Console message help support JES2 messages
IBM response: This RFE has been delivered via APAR PH24072 at end of June 2020. It's available on both V2R3 and V2R4. The JES2 message prefix such as $ can be setup in "Configure Message Help" dialog in z/OSMF Console UI.
On the blog
Martin's blog posts are here
Marna's blog posts are https://blog.share.org/Article/tag/marnas-musings