Title: John Frederick Demartini - "99% of People Are Living In Delusion" ** Music licensed through Audiojungle. ---
The Mission is Simple. To help 1000 people survive, thrive, and do more. Monday to Friday, 5 days a Week We will bring you techniques, tips, tools, and the people who have made it to share the clues to their success, so you can do it too. ValueBombs: " By the Inch, its a sinch!" "serve others, and find something that serves you and you have found your niche" "If you're fluent, you're congruent!" " Procrastination means that you have unchunked it, unlinked it, unclarified it! "
Audio Masterclass Transcript: Welcome back to make money podcasting. Today's episode, of course, is all about why so many fail to make money. Get your pen out, take notes, this is GOLD.
- Dissolve guilt/shame/reasons you don't deserve money.
- How do you wanna serve others?
- Put your value on serving others.
- How do you want to serve people
- Value on serving people, value wealth
- Put a value on saving it, and investing it
- Remember money circulates in the economy, from those who value the least to those who value the most over time
- Value wealth building more than spending time
- Value more on serving then taking from others
- Create automated savings
- Willing to consistently study and research
- build a business that lasts.
- Set goals/ congruent/aligned with your highest values
- You become what you think about/visualize and affirm
- Be in tune with your highest value/ telos/ chief aim.
- Everything you do is your highest priority
- Set realistic expectations, in line with your real value
- See it in your mind's eye, see the strategy
- Know the action steps, it's obtainable
- Start with simple goals, you can achieve
- Train yourself, to do what you say
- Live congruently with your highest value
- Set goals, congruent, meaningful
- Chunk down into small bites
- Preserve towards the objective, exemplified by actions, everyday moving towards your goal
- Small actions towards your goal
- Procrastination means that you have unchunked it, unlinked it, unclarified it!
Resources: Struggling hard trying to sell sell sell without the results you so desperately need? What if I told you that making the sale is not dependent at all on what you think it is?! Let me teach you not only how to make money. . . but exactly what makes the sale happen . . . so that you can find the ideal path to making your sales wildly profitable and take your business to the next level! I am an award-winning Entrepreneur, Podcaster, and Bestselling Author. Various media and social media platforms including Amazon have called me a top influencer on the web, Double Dutch said I am one of the most influential Event Professionals in the world as did Eventbrite. I was recognized as a top 100 small business for my Podcast Production and Teaching Platform and invited to Number 10 Downing Street. I've helped ILEA UK, Arsenal FC, Fulham University, Small Business UK, Google, Canvas Planner, TFN, The Marketing Society, BBC, Marvel, Asemblr, EventMB, WB, Interguide and Holmes Place grow through events, sales, and online marketing. My online marketing has generated several million visitors (38% of them spend money on paid ads), my podcasts generate over 100 000 listens per month, my YouTube videos have had over 1 million views and my podcast school has had a 98% success rate since starting. I've spoken at over 210 conferences, events, and companies around the world. From speaking at Google, Oxford, and Coutts to major growth marketing conferences, I'm available and interested in speaking at events worldwide. For speaking opportunities, collaborations, events, and business development, please email
[email protected] Voted Top 100 Movers and Shakers in Events by Eventbrite 2016, Voted number 1 on Double Dutch 250 people in Events and one of the Small Business Top 100 companies 2016 and the only person in history to be nominated twice in one year as the most influential person in events and part of Time Ferris's NR set. As one of the most requested creative speakers, I have shared the stage with Lewis Howes, Shaa Wasmund MBE, Michelle Ovens MBE, Holly Lee Tucker MBE and many other thought leaders of this era. My work has been featured in media outlets like The Guardian, Vogue, BBC, E-News, CNN, FOX, and so many more, as well as numerous business and marketing podcasts and blogs such as the biggest in Fitness, Business, and Coaching.
Resources: Wanna
find out more about Podcasts - check out www.apodcastcompany.com Wanna
find out more about sales tools to make money online - www.clicktofunnels.com
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