In this (rather absurd) tale inspired by the red and quirkiness of Baby Bubble, you’ll hear three voices—a kooky riddler, a curious child, and the Thermostat man.
100 degrees.
Check. Stop. Check. Stop. Check. Stop. Check.
fireborne creatures blue as knife
walking arms choke greedy red
biting face yolk eyeless smiles
“Play with me for just a while!”
Stop. Check. Stop. Check. Stop. Check.
100 degrees.
once upon some time ago
Simon Says, “touch your nose”
but into a fish you flipped and flopped
marshmallow butt and bon bon snout
“What’s a fish? What’s a snout?”
100 degrees.
Check. Stop. Check. Stop. Check. Stop.
“Are the rules simple? Will I know?
Who will tell me where to go?”
Thermostat Honeywell he’ll blow
lies and flies high up your nose!
“But how will I know who I am?
Will the fish tell me a plan?
Will my eyes walk to my nose?”
bon bon fish with boiling smiles
they will play with you… for now
“But please tell me where I’m to go!
Will my eyes walk to my nose?
Are the rules simple? Will I know?
Play with me for just a while!
I’m just hungry for your smile!”
Stop. Check. Stop.
Stop. Check.
100 degrees.
This track is part of the audio tour, Eye-to-I, a programme under Voices – A Festival of Song 2021.