JJAHBG welcome long time friend of the band Train to the podcast. Train recounts how he was raised by wolves, how he first met The Firegod and Jesse, and how JJAHBG introduced Train to human society. Train, who looks up to The Firegod as a role model, appears keenly interested in Firegenix, and it seems The Firegod has made a sale - and a convert.
About the Guest:
Captain Marc Anthony (but the ladies call him A-Train), better known as Train, is well known to fans of JJAHBG for his contributions to JJAHBG's self-titled 10th album, appearing on "My Little Mermaid" and "Let's Jam," as well as inspiring "The Night the A-Train Rolled Through Town." The former wolf cub lives a quiet life in the mountains and forests of western North America, occasionally lured into human society by the promise of alcohol and video games.
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