Internalized perfectionism is when we want to control all our thoughts and feelings, eradicate "bad ones," or only live fully once they're gone. It's the drive to want perfect internal balance, to always feel good about ourselves, to never feel unworthy or inadequate, to never feel insecure or other negative emotions that scare us. People who have internalized perfectionism usually think that having negative feelings means something wrong with them. They've learned to over-identify with positive states as reflecting "self" and any other mental state as reflecting a threat to self. In this meditation, we are going to embrace unwanted thoughts and feelings through the use of embracing what we don't want to live with. By making space for what flows through us, we neither embody it nor overwork to suppress it. Instead, we give it compassion and let it be. Over time and practice, we are the observers of the negative and positive and neutral. We are not our internal experiences.