Orchid will do anything to avoid working out, even blurting out that she hates kids in front of 40 people! Spoiler alert, she still had to run on the treadmill. Steffanie is much more disciplined and follows the rules (typical).
"Mom bods" get a bad rap even though it seems like the "dad bod" is glorified and celebrated everywhere (key sign of the patriarchy). Although nothing "bounced back" after baby, we are celebrating our mom bods because we were able to grow a human being AND CARRY THEM WITH OUR MICHELLE OBAMA ARMS.
Do not be saddened by your stretch marks, they're a badge of honor. Squishy tummy = 3D printed and housed a human. That extra poundage? More of us to love.
Listen to us complain, since we're practicing for the day that complaining becomes an Olympic sport.