The mindset or belief that we can do hard things is very beneficial for us when facing challenges and setting and achieving goals.
In this episode, we notice how dismissing the times we have done hard things and our achievements is a disservice to ourselves and undermines our belief in our abilities. Imposter syndrome, anyone? I also discuss how celebration and self-compassion help us to support ourselves and build a mindset that we can do anything, including hard things!
If you are interested in working with Lisa The Life Coach 1:1 as your Coach book a free Connection Call to learn more.
Got a question or something that you need coaching on? Submit your question and Coach Lisa will answer it in a future episode!
Find Lisa the Life Coach on Instagram @lisaoglesbeecoachingllc and join our Anxiety Support Community Facebook Group. You can also watch the free Mindset Bootcamp and grab our free downloadable workbooks!
Lisa Oglesbee Coaching LLC website:
Here are links to the episodes of William Curb’s Podcast, Hacking Your ADHD, that I mentioned in this episode.
How to do Hard Things - Part 1
How to do Hard Things - Part 2