**Best of MND rereleased episode** The boys are out this week, enjoy this audience and host favorite episode. We will be back with new episodes on Tuesday 1/16. - MND Crew. Hello MND'ers! In this episode, we are down one man as Brian recovers from a mind-numbing tooth extraction. No problem though, as the three of us held it down all the same. Following this month's theme, 'Do You Even Know Me,' we all took online personality tests and had our wives take them, too. We found that each of our wives shares the same personality type: ESFJ (Extroverted, Observant, Feeling, Judging). We discuss what this means for each of us as well as the following topics:
- What is the future of women in film? What will be the blowback from the recent rash of sexual harassment/assault allegations?
- Can a woman bully a man? Should a man admit it even if it's happening?
- Chris and Nick discuss a few workplace misunderstandings and we all question whether not the terms masculine and feminine be removed from our collective vocabulary?
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Host: Chris Barkley @flameinurheart
Co-Host: Jason McConnell @Masque211
Co-Host: Nick Buggs @nicks_words
Co-Host: Brian Comer @mbcomer
Full show notes available @ marriednotdead.org