In 1 Timothy 5, Paul writes to Timothy and instructs him on how to treat widows and elders.
When communicating with people, we must deal with them as individuals.
Paul tells Timothy to not rebuke an older man. Elders are not above reproach, but must be treated with honor and respect. How something is said is just as important as what is said, so when addressing elders, it was important that Timothy didn't add to any problems with poor delivery.
In helping widows, Paul said that the church should help widows who were left alone with no one to take care of them. Widows who had family needed to be taken care of by their family.
These were very practical instructions that the church needed to know how to treat elders with respect and how to care for the widows. These instructions are still important today.
Are you treating elders with respect? Are you taking care of your aging parents or grandparents?