Meet the incredible trainer that kicks my butt. And Denzel Washington’s, Gwen Stefani’s, Dakota Johnson’s, Bruce Willis’ and many more!
Find out on today’s show with the phenomenal, Kacy Duke, a 66 years young ageless icon and learn her secrets to creating the best version of yourself at any age. Her philosophy? No matter who you are, big-name celebrity or civilian, “I always say it starts with love. As in love the body you have, to get the body you want,” says Duke, “the goal is to train your body to do what needs to be done to keep it healthy and strong, so skip the negative self-talk and focus instead on your mindset, the motivation and the movement.”
On today’s show, you’ll find lots of “Kacy-isms” & gems like these to inspire you:
- Why you must let go of your former self to create your best version of yourself.
- How to create momentum after 2020.
- Why Kacy’s special sequences are the key to transforming and sculpting your physique.
- How there is a “Graceful Gangster” in all of us.
- How the Law of Attraction played a key role in Kacy attracting celebrities like Denzel Washington to work with her.
- Why movement isn’t about a tight butt but a celebration.
- Why finding joy every single day is the key to happiness.
- How she used a devastating experience of loss as her teacher, to know better and do better.
- The connection between your emotional state and how you experience menopause.
- The secret power in writing down and claiming what you want in your life.
- How Kacy has learned to deal with racism in a positive way.
- Why Covid and her hip replacement in 2020 were a blessing.
Want to get on your K-Game? Check out Kacy at her website: Age Defying Physique.