The story of Mt. Rushmore concludes by detailing the sudden end of construction of the memorial, the death of Gutzon Borglum, and the lasting legacy of the monument.
Source Material:
“The Carving of Mount Rushmore,” by Rex Alan Smith, Abbeville Press: Reissue Edition, c. 1994. (
“The Mystery of Schubert’s Unfinished Symphony,” Philip Huscher, (
Clips Used (Theme):
“President Franklin D. Roosevelt attends dedication of Jefferson sculpture at Mount Rushmore -SDPB” (
“Trump in South Dakota: Mount Rushmore Will Never Come Down” (
“Journey Discussions: The Mount Rushmore Vision” (
“Episode 73 - Gutzon Borglum, The One Man War” (
“Mount Rushmore Interview 1” (
“Mount Rushmore - Documentary Films” (
Other Clips:
“Schubert: Symphony No. 8 Unfinished | Iván Fischer & Budapest Festival Orchestra”(
“Reagan Remastered - Freedom is Never More than One Generation Away from Extinction - Ronald Reagan” (
Theme Music:
“Anchor Crawl,” written and performed by Cody Martin. License available upon request.
Other Music:
“Rhinestone,” written by Dean Palya and performed by PALA
“Half Empty,” “Keeper Of Keys,” “Dewflower,” and “Affectionately Yours,” written by Cody Kurtz Martin and performed by Cody Martin
“Cup Of Tea,” written by Brendan St. Gelais and performed by Reveille
“The Sound Above Us,” written by Dustin Ransom and performed by Cast of Characters
“Layers,” written and performed by Caleb Etheridge