The first three ‘Cs’ of Gospel-Centered Apologetics answers three questions;
1) Compatibility- How is this person’s worldview compatible with Christianity? There will be ways that it is, because all men are created in the image of God.
2) Consistency – How is this person’s worldview internally inconsistent? It will be, because all other worldviews are false and will necessarily be internally inconsistent.
3) Contrast- How does Christianity hold to the true aspects of their worldview, but in an internally consistent system? It will, because Christianity is God’s revealed truth.
In the last two lectures Pastor Matt applied these questions to the two major worldviews we encounter in America; Evolutionary Naturalism and Religious Postmodernism. This week listen as Pastor Matt moves to the fourth ‘C’; Confirmation, where he demonstrates how Jesus and the apostles used the Scriptures and eye-witness testimony to ‘give evidence’ (Acts 17:2-3), and ‘persuaded’ (Acts 28:23-28), and ‘proved’ (Acts 17:31) that Jesus was the death conquering Christ and that Christianity was the truth.