Today’s Topic: Tithing, Giving and Stewardship
OVERVIEW: Why do we give money to the church? Is giving Biblical? How much should I give? These are all excellent questions, ones that we will examine in this episode. We know talking about finances and faith can be a challenging topic of conversation, but we know that lives can be changed through giving of our finances and being good stewards with what we have.
- Everything that we own is a gift from God and we are called to give back to God.
- Giving is an act of obedience and trust
- Stewardship is the idea that God has given us everything we need, and we must maintain what God has given us.
- Scripture does talk about giving
o 2 Corinthians 9:6-7 God calls us to be cheerful givers. Giving is a heart issue and God wants us to give generously because we are cheerful and obedient, not because we are obligated to give. God wants us to give what He has placed on your heart to give (may be more than 10%) and give it joyfully.
o Luke 21 God calls us to be all-in with our giving, not wavering with our financial gifts, but giving everything that we can to God, not just what we can afford to give.
o Malachi 3 God calls us to test Him and trust Him with our giving. We can grow close to God when we give and He works in incredible ways when we give.
- “God show me what to give and give me the courage to give”
- A tithe is approximately 10% and is found in the Old Testament. This is typically the first 10% of the livestock or crops of the harvest that were given to God. Tithe is not found in the New Testament, but again, we can seek God to determine how much we should give and give it courageously.
- Our giving represents our trust in God in many ways. Giving can be uncomfortable but God takes care of His children.
MCC Family Life Resources
ARTICLE: Tithes and Offerings: Your Questions, Answered
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