And we're back. When Mat and Elmo originally asked Capone if he would move to Canada for research purposes, they never thought he would actually go through with it. But, after $12,000 Canadian Dollars and his entire life sailing away on a shipping container, Capone did just that, and he actually moved to Canada. Hence the delay. They say travel broadens the mind, but what has it done to Mat, Elmo and Capone? Has living in various countries around the world changed the way Adam sees people and culture? Have various family trips to Guildford done anything to Mat's psyche? And what have numerous family holiday's with Elmo's "rough lot" done to aid International relations? Also in Episode 4: British pubs, Black Gang China, In-flight entertainment, Holiday traditions, annoying co-workers, and a new type of currency. Download here. Contact the show: Email: [email protected] Website: Facebook: Twitter: Subscribe: Me, You and Him on iTunes