Welcome to Memphis where Bigfoot, the Lofa, Sasquatch and other wild men roam the bluffs and river bottomlands just mere miles from the bright city lights. These strange city lights also cast their glow on the unsolved murder of Memphian Nancy Little. Join us for some stories and mysteries emanating from our hometown Memphis, TN
Trigger warning: this episode includes mentions of murder, foeticide, and violence
We would like to acknowledge that the land of Memphis TN belongs to the Chickasaw and Choctaw
BFRO Report #15003, https://www.bfro.net/GDB/show_report.asp?id=15003
“Unknown Creature Sighted in Arkansas” “Wild of the Woods” (9-May-1851; The Memphis Enquirer)
“A Wild Man of the Woods—The Memphis Enquirer gives an account of a wild man recently discovered in Arkansas” (29-May-1851; New Hampshire Patriot & State Gazette )
“Wild Man of Memphis”(19-May-1853 Cincinnati Enquirer)
“THE CHICKASAW BIGFOOT (MUST WATCH)” https://youtu.be/kjLbZ4XBnG0 uploaded by Encountering Bigfoot 5 October 2019
The Commercial Appeal article titled “Clues Sought in the 1989 Death of Nancy Little” publishes Aug 1990 found in commercial appeal archive
The Commercial Appeal article by Anthony Cooke published Aug 11 1990 found in commercial appeal archive