He ladies, welcome back! Today Menstrual Memoirs has it's very first guest interview!! I am so excited to bring this episode to you! Freya Graf is a Yoni Mapping Therapist and sex educator & coach with a passion for holistic health, well-being and personal development.
With a background of study in Kahuna massage, yoni massage, facilitation and coaching, childcare, yoga teaching, tantric bodywork and sacred sexuality, Freya has the privilege of working closely with women to inspire, educate and empower them, supporting them to cultivate a healthy relationship with their vaginas and strengthen their connection to their sexuality.
Freya has a deep understanding and respect for what it is to be a woman and is continuously amazed and filled with gratitude for her opportunity to work with women in such a special and important way.
Freya is inspired by nature’s innate wisdom, reflected in our amazing bodies and in the natural environment that she loves to get amongst and explore. Her passions range from nutrition, cooking, reading endless stacks of books and creating natural skincare products in her kitchen, to dance and movement, learning, singing, organic gardening, and real human connection.
In this episode we cover the following:
-Is Emotional trauma stored in our body? What does that look like, how does it show up, how do we release those stored emotions?
-Teaching teenagers menstrual cycle awareness. Top things we wish we knew as this age, what would we tell ourselves now? How your sexuality influences how you show up in the world.
-Yoni mapping therapy, what is it, why is it important?
-Common things her clients come to see her for.
This episode is jam packed with value information so hope you enjoy it all!
To get ahold of Freya click here to follow her on Instagram
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